Thursday, February 25, 2010

Starting Now

I'm going to start using this blog now. Daily will be the goal. Here's to day 1.

It seems unlikely that I'll say anything worthwhile in the near future. Maybe someday I will. For now I'm just going to use this as an unnecessarily public diary/to do list.

I'm going to start playing the bass, like, actually playing it. Not just picking it up for a few minutes. If I ever want to play Jazz Bass I need to be way way better than I am. And I'm going to go to the gym. I'm on Day 1 of that too. Next time I will bring an MP3 player and that will be great. Looking forward to playing soccer on Monday. It's been a while. Stupid rain ruined yesterday.

I've given up Reddit. Reddit and I are officially separated. I'm about 3 days into that. I've been outside more, and I've been reading the blogs I like more. Blogs aren't a whole lot more useful considering the goal of quitting Reddit it to get out of my computer chair. But at least the blogs are making me smarter. Here's the list, in case I find myself wondering later what I was reading in February of 2010. Bad Astronomy, Center for Inquiry | Free Thinking, NeuroLogica Blog, Pharyngula, : The Latest Updates, Science-Based Medicine, and, The Rogues Gallery. I also listen to several Podcasts which I'll name when I'm feeling narcissistic again.

After writing that I'm wondering who's reading (no one is the likeliest answer), and I'm wondering why they might care what blogs I read. There's a small part of me that wants someone to read it and think, "That Taylor sure is smart!" and then maybe, "as a hot woman that makes me want to have relations with him!" Unfortunately the rest of me realizes this is somewhat less than likely. The rest of me is such a buzzkill.

I'm calling it a wrap on Day One of the Rest of My Life.

Have Fun,

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